I am the Theodore Romanoff Assistant Professor of Russian Studies and an Assistant Professor of International and Area Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Previously, I was a George F. Kennan Fellow at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Karen and Adeed Dawisha Assistant Professor of Political Science at Miami University. I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 2018.


My research, teaching, and service are in the fields of comparative political behavior with a substantive focus on public opinion and political communication in non-democracies and a regional focus on Russian and Eurasian politics. 


My book, Dialogue with the Dictator: Information Manipulation and Authoritarian Legitimation in Putin's Russia, examines the role of quasi-democratic participation mechanisms in reinforcing authoritarian regimes, and was published with Cambridge University Press in February 2024. My work has been published or is forthcoming in journals including Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Democratization, Government & Opposition, International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Quarterly, Perspectives on Politics, Post-Soviet Affairs, and Communist and Post-Communist Studies.